'Best immunity Booster Food in Tamil | நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும் உணவு | Shriya Health Care'

'Best immunity Booster Food in Tamil | நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும் உணவு | Shriya Health Care'
16:53 Nov 26, 2023
'Best immunity Booster Food in Tamil | நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும் உணவு | Shriya Health Care     Today the  number of communicable and non communicable diseases are rapidly increasing under different names. But our immune system works in one single pattern which cannot be denied by any one. It\'s duty is to identify and destroy any foreign bodies which enters the system. If that particular pattern is observed and handled well we can prevent and control all diseases.   For example the immune system completly depends on the food what we take. If we take good food like fruits then less toxins flow to the blood stream but what people majorly taking are wheat products, maida, egg and non veg. So more toxins flows to the blood stream so body has to wok more to neutralize that toxins. Liver has to produce more enzymes and insulin, kidney has to filter more urea, spleen has to detox blood, lungs needs to supply more oxygenated blood and heart has to pump all this toxic blood out of blood stream.   So we have to understand our system instead taking supressive pills like pain killer for head ache and bp pills to supress blood pressure is not a solution. For example we show photos of cupping a part of our treatment in the video during first sitting of cupping the marks of toxins u can check from video it will be very dark but after 3 to 5 sittings the marks vanish. So when a patient come for arthritis treatment their pain also get reduced and possibility of getting fever also goes down since we already removed all toxins through our special probiotic diet and herbal medecines. Thus when toxins are flushed out body will increase the overall immunity.    Reason for fever   We should understand the reason why fever is not reducing for 10 days and Why fever is reoccuring again and again. During fever digestion system will not work But people use to take kanji ( rice porridge), milk, bun and bread so the u  Immune system gets disturbed. So during a fever a patient should take soaked rice, buttermilk and fruits so that the cold will dissolve from the body and it can be eliminated out of the body by intaking kaba jura kudineer, nilavembu kudineer, manjal kasayam. Tripala and kadukai etc. By doing so toxins get removed out of the body and fever gets completely reduced. So whatever medecine we consume intake of correct food during a disease is must.   In maggot therapy maggots wil eat and clean the wounds. More details in video.   So the food what we take during fever should support this antibodies fighting.   It should help the body to flush out toxins from blood and organs.    It should help the body to improve the digestion system.    Dos and don\'ts during a fever.   1. Stop intake of solid foods.  2. Intake of blood increasing foods like sukku coffee, dry grapes juice, lemon salted juice.   3. Intake of blood purifier like kaba jura kudineer, nilavembu kudineer, neermulli kudineer, Neem and mango leaves kashayam.   4. Intake of stomach cleansing like   Kadukai, tripala, nilavarai ( Senna powder*** ) , curry leaves power any one 2 to 3  days once as per stools and urine movement until fever get reduced.   After fever the reoccurrence lies totally on good food habits which patients choose.   Reason for breathless ness and no sense or smell identification.   During a fever the blood supply to brain always gets disturbed. We can note nerve block in the arms of a fever patients so due to that proper circulation to brain, heart and lungs get disturbed and thus cause all above symptoms. Most of people are building arms which is not good for proper blood circulation.    So we recommend keeping lamp and tumbler cupping to take out the gas out of the body which is the reason for all blockages inside the body.   We also recommend to clean ears with sesame oil to lubricate the wax and promote circulation to brain by doing so the pituitary gland gets activated and over all immune system will boost up. In additional steam therapy to face and head pathu we keep to reduce temperature.   Preparation of probiotics.     We can prepare probiotic drink from any above rice by cooking the rice or powdered rice in boiling water in a mud pot and soaking it in water for overnight.   Morning we can drink it with buttermilk and salt which cultivates overall gut flora.  Multiplication of flora though fibers and fruits will raise immunity.  Thus a permanent remedy for all types of fever and infections.   List of diseases recovered through probiotics   1. All fevers, cold and fl  2. Body pain, neck pain, and rheumatoid arthritis.  3. Blood pressure and cholesterol.  4. Heart problems  5. Skin problems including psoriasis  6. Prevention and cure of cancer   Thus a natural remedy for all communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Thank you.....  Contact Details: 9677400956/ 9940942623 Address for communication: RAJARAJESWARI RAJASEKAR C/O SHRIYA HEALTH CARE RAJESWARI NAGAR. NENMELI, CHENGALPATTU DIST. 603003' 

Tags: IMMUNITY , IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM , increasing immunity power , immune system booster , immunity boosting foods in tamil , foods to boost immunity in tamil , foods to be taken to boost immunity system in tamil , foods to strengthen immunity system in tamil , how to boost immune system tamil , noi ethippu sakthi athikarika , noi ethirpu sakthi foods , நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தி , Rajarajeswari rajasekar , Rajarajeswari rajasekar videos , shriya health care videos , Best immunity Booster Food in Tamil

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