'Octopus Punch other Coral Reef Fish while Hunting for Food'

'Octopus Punch other Coral Reef Fish while Hunting for Food'
03:46 Jul 25, 2021
'Octopuses \"punch\" fish while hunting to ensure that they get a their share of the food. Octopuses work with small groups of fish (often Groupers) to find and access prey on the reef. Just like kids, sometimes those groups break down a bit and don\'t work as well together as they\'d like. Sometimes a fish is over zealous and eats something the octopus wanted - and that\'s when they might get punched.   Octopuses are generally not things we keep in our reef tanks - they really belong in the ocean unless you\'re willing to set up a tank specifically for them to meet their needs.  Also, today while working on this video I learned that the plural of Octopus is not Octopi - because the root word Octopus is Greek, not Latin, the plural is actually Octopuses. Sorry for being wrong in the video!   Also, if you want to learn more about Octopuses, check out My Octopus Teacher on Netflix!  Octopuses punch fishes during collaborative interspecific hunting events Eduardo Sampaio, Martim Costa Seco, Rui Rosa, Simon Gingins First published: 18 December 2020  https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3266  Abstract Cooperation is ubiquitous in nature, and occurs at all levels of biological complexity, providing immediate direct benefits and/or future indirect benefits to participating partners (Lehmann and Keller 2006, Bshary and Bergmüller 2008).  Don\'t forget to like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video!  I upload at least one video each week, so check out my channel for more!  https://www.youtube.com/c/ReefMan?sub_confirmation=1' 

Tags: science , collaboration , science channel , aquarium , coral reef , fish tank , marine , octopus , reef , reef tank , Scicomm , natural history , marine biology , coral , grouper , octopus eating , reef aquarium , corals , cephalopod , reefman , reeftank , fish tank aquarium , punching octopus , coral reef science , coral science , acropora coral , acropora reef tank , partner control , cephalopods changing color , octopus punch fish , octopus teacher , octopus punches fish , octopus punching fish , octopus punch

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