'AMERICA VS AUSTRALIA CHALLENGE #Troye Sivan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWegpUd1Od8 Music - Wallpaper by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Montage Song - Treasure - Bruno Mars End card by the impossibly talented Grimbleism - http://www.youtube.com/grimbleism Song during end card - Good Thymes (Ray Charles Remix - Opiuo (Used with permission) Send me stuff and things! PO Box 328, Mirrabooka, WA Australia ---------------------------------------------------------- If you read this, type \'Troye, we already know about what you do at 3am. Is there anything you won\'t tweet? ;)\' in the comments section below! ;) xx'
Tags: cute , hot , boy , vlog , vlogger , youtuber , singer , australian , kid , twins , Tyler Oakley , Troye Sivan , hannah hart , Alfie , jacksgap , sivan , pointlessblogtv , caspar lee , Spud , alfie deyes , marcus butler , jack harries , troye , marcusbutlertv , dicasp
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