Jun 29, 2022
'Looking for healthy recipes for your 23-month-old fussy eater? Watch this video for some interesting food recipes for your 23-month-old baby. Your child is about to turn two in a month! He is growing and developing rapidly. His body now demands a lot of nutritional intake on a daily basis. A 23-month-old baby needs around 1000-1300 calories every day, but it can vary from child to child depending on how active he is. As toddlers at this stage are very active and grow rapidly, it is important to ensure that they get all the essential nutrients from the food they eat. In this regards, you can prepare the entire day’s meal time that contains a proper distribution of all the required nutrients. At the same time, ensure to offer dishes that are suitable for your toddler’s taste buds. Here we have brought 5 different types of delicious recipes that are perfect for your 23-month-old toddler. Check them out! #23MonthsBabyFoodRecipes #23MonthBabyRecipes #RecipesFor23MonthOldBaby For More Information: https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/23-months-old-baby-food-ideas-chart-and-recipes/ Hit like, subscribe and comment or share it with other parents. FirstCry Parenting helps you through your journey of Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy & Parenting. Happy Parenting! Subscribe Now : https://www.youtube.com/c/firstcryparenting Connect with FirstCry Parenting. Download Our App Android : https://bit.ly/2Vqtvjl iOS : https://apple.co/2IKcmv0 Website : https://parenting.firstcry.com/ Follow us on: Facebook - https://facebook.com/FirstCryParenting/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/firstcryParenting/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/firstcryindia Pinterest - https://in.pinterest.com/FirstCryIN/ Disclaimer: Any information provided in this video is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctor or any health professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding.'
Tags: 23 months baby food recipes , 23 month baby recipes , 23 month old infant recipes , recipes for 23 month old baby
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