'Funny stories for kids with Hot vs Cold Food Challenge of Wolfoo: Wolfoo loves to eat Pizza, and Pando loves ice cream so they join the challenge of eating hot and cold food. In the end, Wolfoo win but Wolfoo and Pando both had stomach aches because their stomachic is too hot and too cold. #WolfooChannel #wolfoo #Challenge #HealthyHabits #Goodhabits #Cartoon #kidsplaying #Kids The episodes in video: 03:14 Hot vs Cold Challenge - Wolfoo Learns to Share Air Conditioner 06:38 Summer vs Winter! Do you like weather? 08:58 Wolfoo and Elsa Freeze the Sun 12:15 Doctor Helps Wolfoo: Saves the Talking Stomach 15:25 Wolfoo Helps Talking Broken Heart Be Strong by Healthy Habits for Kids See more of: WOA Kid Cartoon Videos - 2D: https://bit.ly/2WrKWRQ WOA Wolfoo Music Videos: https://bit.ly/2XxFUz6 WOA Wolfoo All Videos: https://bit.ly/2YBXxyL Our suggestion: Peppapig Official Channel: https://bit.ly/1S1S0tN Dolly and Friends Official: https://bit.ly/2g9nHD0 WOA Pencil Animation: https://bit.ly/2XofX4M All audio and visual content in this channel is owned by SCONNECT CO., LTD., License Certificate Music: audiojungle.net; epidemicsound.zendesk.com --------------------- About us: ► Email: [email protected] ► Facebook: https://goo.gl/xBxEhB ► Twitter: https://goo.gl/ZXm6xU ► Woanetwork: https://goo.gl/WyWN5w ► TopShare: https://goo.gl/K1YSsV THANKS FOR WATCHING AND DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! CREDIT Producer - Ly Tran Director - An Nguyen Scriptwriter - Bich Nguyen Artist - Duc Nguyen, Tan Pham, Ngan Nguyen Animator - Khang Le, Linh Pham, Thuong Nguyen, Hieu Dinh, Hop Nguyen, Tuan Nguyen, Ngoc Nguyen, Nhung Nguyen Compositor - Linh Nguyen'
Tags: challenge , for kids , story for kids , good habits , toddler , kids animation , Cartoon for kids , Healthy Food , pretend play , kids play , toys for kids , kids cartoons , food challenge , kids video , kids playing , video for kids , キッズ , play with toys , kids educational , hot vs cold , hot vs cold food challenge , Funny Stories for Kids , wolfoo , healthy habits for kids , woavid , 2d cartoon , Wolfoo Channel , Wolfoo cartoon , 만화 , preschool cartoons , yes yes stay healthy , 子供向け
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