'Chicken Karaage Wrap with cream and avocado sauce | Tori no Karaage | Crispy and Juicy Fried Chicken'

'Chicken Karaage Wrap with cream and avocado sauce | Tori no Karaage | Crispy and Juicy Fried Chicken'
05:07 Aug 10, 2022
'You will definitely crave for this quick and easy recipe with specially cooked chicken. Wrap is full of flavours. Ideal for quick meals and the whole family will love it. You can make more chicken and use in different meal times.  First prepare chicken. This amount of chicken is enough to make couple of wraps or keep the excess chicken for next day.  Ingredients  300g chicken  2 tbsp soy sauce  2 tbsp chilli sauce  1 tbsp mirin 2 tbsp sake  3 cloves of garlic  A piece ginger  100g potato starch  Crush garlic and ginger. Add soy sauce, chilli sauce, mirin, sake garlic and ginger into chicken. Mix everything well and keep it in the fridge overnight to marinate. When you are ready to fry, take it out from the fridge and cover with potato starch. Then deep fry.  Beat some double cream until creamy and add a slice of avocado into it. Beat them together to make the sauce. If you don’t like this way you can use any other sauce according to your taste.  Sprinkle some grated cheese on tortilla wraps and warm it in the pre heated oven for few seconds until cheese melts. Take it out from the oven. Place some grated carrots across  the tortilla wraps. Add some lettuce. Slice fried chicken pieces on top and squeeze some sauce. Roll it and enjoy.' 

Tags: How to make Tori no Karaage , how to make chicken wrap , How to make easy wrap , How to make crispy and juicy chicken , Tori no karaage wrap , Japanese chicken wrap , Chicken wrap with cream and avocado

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