'Hello Lovlies, here\'s my food shopping haul for this week! I try to keep my grocery\'s super healthy and I write down a weekly meal plan so when I go shopping I know exactly what to purchase and it dhelps me to not slip chocolates into the trolley. Check out my blog ⇊ http://www.itsmichelleslife.com Get your own copy of The Weight Loss Planner to help motivate you on weight loss journey ⇊ http://www.theweightlossplanner.com ⇊ ⇊ Let’s get social ⇊ ⇊ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/itsmichelleslife Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsmichelleslife Pinterest: http://www.itsmichellesife.com A B O U T I\'m Michelle, a girl from Perth, WA on a weight loss journey to lose over 60kgs. Here on my YouTube channel I share my weight loss journey (the up’s & down’s), recipes, health & wellness knowledge, and hopefully help inspire you to live your best life. Subscribe to my youtube channel to follow my journey. I make new videos weekly! http://www.youtube.com/fattoglam'
Tags: grocery haul , food shopping , FOOD SHOPPING HAUL , healthy food haul , weight loss grocery haul , food shopping australia , australian grocery haul , fat to glam
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