'Avoid the Most Common Food-Storage Mistakes! | Daniel Brigman'

'Avoid the Most Common Food-Storage Mistakes! | Daniel Brigman'
29:43 Jun 12, 2022
'You know you should keep a supply of emergency food on hand, but you may have been reluctant to get started, wondering:   - How much is enough?   - What kind of food will I really need if I can’t get groceries?  - How can I be sure my family will even want to eat it?   - What about keeping up proper nutrition through a real emergency?   - Will it cost me an arm and a leg?   and so on… It can be overwhelming to the point that you don’t take action at all, and end up feel paralyzed between dread, frustration and confusion..    Daniel Brigman, founder of Numanna Foods, visits ReluctantPreppers to reveal the biggest mistakes even preparedness-minded people make when approaching food storage. Brigman goes on to offer expert advice on the key consideration to keep in mind to insure you make wholesome choices and take wise action in building an emergency food supply to protect your family!   IN THIS INTERVIEW:  ==================   - How and why did Brigman get into the food storage business?  ————  Interested in preparedness, ethic of self-sufficiency, grandparents grew up in the depression.  Family was disappointed in available easy-to-prepare meals: chemicals, didn’t like the taste  Started in their basement, grew to become a premier provider to all 50-states in US, Canada, South America.​ ​ - Avoid the most common food-storage mistakes that even preparedness-minded people make,   —————      Not having sufficient pure water stored, or high-quality water filtration.     Not having a means of boiling water to prepare food.     Assuming you need less than you really do.     Procrastinating and letting the size of the task overwhelm you.     Buying emergency food you really wouldn’t want to eat.   - Key considerations to keep in mind when building an emergency backup food supply,  —————      Easy to use and flexible for your situation: whether you are staying in your house or need to leave,     Store food you would eat anyway, make it part of your regular rotation     You can’t lose: the price of food is going up and you definitely can use it.     Types of food to store: Full meals vs. bulk staples both have their place      Shelf life:          Meal-in-a-bag 6 servings, highest-quality bags packed with low-oxygen contents last 25+ years         Olive oil in metal cans, stored in a cool location can store a long time         Biggest robber of food storage is heat, light, oxygen, temperature fluctuation         Rotate your sugar, use it up.     Varieties and Food Groups:         Learnings & feedback from pepper community resulted in design of the food combinations      Cost & Value:         The most expensive food is the food you throw away, so make sure your food is packaged extremely well, and you’ll have the time and resources to prepare the food.         Even a job loss qualifies as an emergency     Portability, able to Travel,     Variety, combinations, versatility: can’t beat a ready-to-fix meal in a bag.   - NuManna\'s mission and role in helping people get prepared.  ——————  Provide the best preparedness food possible: no GMO, no soy, organic, high-nutrition.   There’s a peace of mind that comes with being prepared: your modern root cellar.   Check out www.numannafoods.com  *** Free shipping if you mention ReluctantPreppers this month  Subscribe (it\'s FREE!) to Reluctant Preppers for more ► http://bit.ly/Subscribe-Free  Channel graphics by http://JosiahJohnsonStudios.com Promotion by http://FinanceAndLiberty.com' 

Tags: gold , silver , prepper , dollar , debt , disaster , collapse , PREPPING , Preparedness , preppers , precious metals

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