'Part 2 Mood Food, How Food Effects Your love Life - BBC Explorations | Storyteller Media'

'Part 2 Mood Food, How Food Effects Your love Life - BBC Explorations | Storyteller Media'
05:02 Feb 4, 2022
'Mood Food   Find out how British Police are using chocolate in their fight against street violence.  And how certain foods make you a red hot lover while others can really make you a loser.  Storyteller produce and distribute documentaries and factual programming specialising in animals and nature; from endangered species and what\'s being done to save them to mysterious animal and monster stories.  http://www.storyteller.com.au http://www.animalx.net http://www.facebook.com/storytellermn http://twitter.com/storytellermn http://www.animalalliestv.com http://beforeitstoolate.org/' 

Tags: Cooking , eating , nutrition , Recipes , science , chocolate , Documentary , stress , educational , diets , nature , BBC , animals , health food , storyteller , special effects , Stress Management , Species , mood food , factual , endangered , bbc science , eternity , food and sex , science of food , sex and food , BBC Documentaries , Discovery documentaries , diets for the brain , food for lovers , Storyteller Media , Explorations , Broadcast Marketing , secrets of chocolate

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