'Do Bodybuilders Eat Junk Food?'

01:51 May 1, 2022
'Do bodybuilders eat junk food? Given how much they work out, it seems like they could eat anything and not get fat.  Bodybuilders by definition are self-conscious. Most of them would go hungry before eating a Twinkie or Ho-Ho.  How then do they fuel their workouts?  They could get by on a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread and lean meat. However, that requires eating a massive volume of food.  Which costs a lot.  Not really, if you\'re skipping the organic label and willing to eat seasonal fruits. Except for the lean meat, which costs more than most meat, which is several dollars a pound.  Then they can eat a lot more of the ideal diet and look that way. Though they\'ll then poop a lot.  True, but cooking and eating that much food takes up time that the body builder could be in the gym. So body builders tend to opt for protein shakes that save them time and effort.  And money.  Oh, no. Protein shakes and other instant meals in a can are expensive. And that\'s on top of any supplements the body builder takes.  Why would they need supplements?  To build up their bodies, assuming they aren\'t taking steroids. Some of the most popular supplements are creatine and HCG, but there are many others.  Steroids can cause mood swings and aggression.  Most guys avoid it because it can ruin their fertility and sex drive, countering the whole purpose of getting the perfect body. Steroids are also illegal while costing as much as the hundreds of dollars a month legal supplements do.  That\'s understandable. At least they\'re taking legal stuff to get healthy.  As compared to what?  Getting addicted to junk food and working out to try to shed the pounds.  That\'s not an uncommon reason for someone to become a body builder in the first place.' 

Tags: bodybuilding , Weight Training (Hobby) , weight lifting , Bodybuilder diet , Junk Food (Cuisine) , build muscles , what do bodybuilders eat , Do Bodybuilders , Do Bodybuilders Eat Junk Food , Bodybuilders Eat Junk Food

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