'Today we are going to learn how to cook one of the delicious and old iranian food ___________________________________________________________________________________________ subscribe my YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3nuSWxY Ingredients: 3 pieces chicken An onion 1 clove of garlic 1 tablespoon tomato paste 4 cups rice 1 cup dried barberries 1 teaspoon saffron Salt pepper turmeric as needed ___________________________________________________________________________________________ If you made this food write me about your experiences ❤ and if you want me to teach you another iranian food please leave a comment below And to support us send this video to your friends so that they can cook this delicious food .
Tags: Chicken , iran , best food , recipes cooking , asian food , yummy food , persian , tehran , persian food , iranian food , iranian , persian food recipes , food in iran , iranian dishes , persian foods , iranian foods , best Iranian food , best Persian food , Persian Cooking , ghazaye irani , Iranian cooking , persian food barberry rice with chiken , persian cook , barberry rice with chicken , barberry rice with saffron chicken , barberry rice , barberry chicken , Zereshk polo ba morgh
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