'Living soil Bean-Corn Experiment - the soil food web in action'

'Living soil Bean-Corn Experiment - the soil food web in action'
02:52 Mar 12, 2022
'The Living Farm\'s Lynn Gillespie tests how easy composting is with the AeromatiCo liquid composter.  She conducts a 7 week bean-corn experiment using the liquid compost.  The results demonstrate how simple it is practice regenerative farming by applying liquid compost drenches to create living soil.  The liquid compost produces bigger, healthier corn plants and minimally affects the bean plants. All in all, Lynn says the AeromatiCo is a simple machine to use and lots of fun.  \"It\'s a great way to take care of your kitchen waste and keep if from going into the landfill.\"' 

Tags: aerobic , Grow , humus , composting , Food Waste , organic gardening , compost tea , regenerative agriculture , AeromatiCo , soil biodiversity , liquid composter , perpetual brew , soil drench , AACT , the living farm , lynn gillespie

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