Feb 19, 2022
'The Semi-Automatic Spring Roll and Samosa Production Line consists of a pastry making machine, a filling depositor, and a conveyor with working table for manual wrapping. The pastry making machine can produce spring roll pastry, samosa pastry, egg roll pastry, and even crepe, and the filling depositor can work well with a wide variety of filling. After pouring batter and filling in hoppers, the production line automatically bakes batter, cuts pastries, and deposits required amount of filling, and then workers can wrap spring rolls on the conveyor\'s working table. Moreover, the machine can connect with stacking machine to stack pastries alone for selling. Click here for more Machine Introduction: https://bit.ly/39C8Wqu Please feel free to contact us at \"[email protected]\" for more details! #SpringRollMachine #SamosaMachine #CigarRollMachine'
Tags: spring roll , Spring Roll Machine , spring roll produciton line
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