'SUBSCRIBE to the REACT Channel: http://goo.gl/47iJqh Watch all People Vs. Food Episodes (Kids/Teens/Adults): http://goo.gl/KjLw5C New REACT channel videos from this week - http://goo.gl/th0yyt What is Vegemite? http://goo.gl/DgxZ Kids react when they are presented vegemite to discuss, and ultimately eat! Will they like it or will they love it?! Stay tuned for more Kids vs. Food, once a month on Thursdays here on the REACT channel. Follow FBE: MAIN CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/FBE SECOND CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/FBE2 REACT CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/REACT FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/FBE FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/FBEShows TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/fbe INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/f/fbe SNAPCHAT: https://fbereact.com/snapchat TUMBLR: http://fbeofficial.tumblr.com SEND US STUFF: TheFineBros P.O. BOX 4324 Valley Village, CA 91617-4324 -------------------------- The following episode featured the following Reactors: Dash Evan Jayka Krischelle Lucas Lydon Maxim Olivia Samirah Troy ------------------------------------- Credits: Created by - Benny & Rafi Fine (The Fine Brothers) http://www.youtube.com/TheFineBros Produced by Vincent Ieraci Production Assistant - Danny Donaldson Post Production Supervisor - Nick Bergthold Graphics & Animation - Will Hyler Editor - Jordan Towles Assistant Editor - Rachel Lewis, Rebecca Wood Theme Music- Cyrus Ghahremani “A Lovely Night” by Josh Molen (http://www.TheTunePeddler.com) © FBE, Inc You are prohibited from distributing this show or any React branded content in any way without express consent in any territory worldwide.'
Tags: vegetables , Food , advice , react , opinions , Eat , thefinebros , taste test , fine brothers , react gaming , lyric breakdown , finebros , fine bros , Vegetable (Food) , kids food , kids react , teens react , youtubers react , elders react , australian food , vegemite , Kids vs. Food , REACT Advice , REACT Lyric Breakdown , REACT Opinions , React remix , kids versus foodGaming , sandwhich spread , Cyril P. Callister , Fred Walker & Co.
See also: