'In this episode of Rad Reviews, Dan and Ricky put to the test a selection of Astronaut Space Food in this zero-gravity food review. On offer today are freeze dried Strawberries, Apple Cinnamon Slices and a Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwich! The boys also discuss the creation of these food products and drop a little known secret of Astronaut Gus Grissom! Are these products worth the travel? Blast off commences in 3, 2, 1... Check us out on Instagram: https://instagram.com/radreviews4u2020 If you have any further questions, suggestions, or to get in touch with us for any reason whatsoever please email us at: [email protected]'
Tags: astronaut , Food , fruit , review , astronauts , astronaut food , food reviews , freeze dried food , astronaut ice cream , space food , space food review , astronaut food taste test , real food vs astronaut food , astronaut food vs , astronaut food vs real food , astronaut space food , astronaut food review , trying astronaut food , astronaut foods , nasa astronaut food , tasting astronaut food , trying out astronaut food , astronaut review , how to astronaut food , drhobs astronaut foods , Gus Grissom
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