'Chapter 7: Soil pt 1 | The Permaculture Student 2 by Matt Powers (FULL AUDIOBOOK)'

'Chapter 7: Soil pt 1 | The Permaculture Student 2 by Matt Powers (FULL AUDIOBOOK)'
20:50 Nov 25, 2021
'“Whether you are new to permaculture or well-seeped in its principles, The Permaculture Student 2 condenses a wealth of information into an easily digestible and thoroughly engaging format that is sure to give any reader new points of reference and insight. I highly recommend it.”  — Peter McCoy, Radical Mycology  “With the \'Permaculture Student\' Matt Powers has completed a great service to the younger minds of the planet — others too, especially those new to land management, will find this piece very instructive, useful, easy to read and navigate.”  — Darren J. Doherty, Regrarians.org  “This book will help people who struggle with how to connect the different aspects of ecosystems into a logical whole. The framework presented in this book helps to line-up those facts and hang them side-by-side where they belong on the framework so that you can build, “fix\", and be a part of ecosystems that function correctly, with little need for human intervention.”  — Dr. Elaine Ingham, Phd. SoilFoodWeb Inc  Download the full text here: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/download-ps2-free Or you can buy it in print on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Permaculture-Student-Collection-Regenerative-Solutions/dp/0997704330/' 

Tags: permaculture , audiobook , BACTERIA , composting , fungi , Geoff Lawton , Bill Mollison , Green New Deal , Soil , soil food web , compost , soil science , compost tea , regenerative , knf , elaine ingham , matt powers , korean natural farming , Dr. Ingham , thermophilic compost , hot compost , chris trump

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