'Jeff Lowenfels - 2016 Offstage Interview on Soil Health and Agriculture'

45:55 Oct 20, 2021
'Who fertilizes the Redwoods or sprays them with ‘icides? Yet they grow to over 375 feet tall and live for more than 500 years! How is that possible without using Miracle-Gro or Roundup? It\'s the soil food web that is responsible for these magnificent trees. In one hour you will not only learn what it is, how it operates and why you should care, but also how to use the very same system that keeps the Redwoods thriving. No more chemicals!   Connect with The Real Truth About Health http://www.therealtruthabouthealth.com/ https://www.facebook.com/The-Real-Truth-About-Health-467500836655781/ https://twitter.com/RTAHealth  Passionate believers in whole food plant based diets, no chemicals, minimal pharmaceutical drugs, no GMO\'s. Fighting to stop climate change and extinction.' 

Tags: healthy lifestyle , gardening , healthy nutrition , Agriculture , composting , Global Warming , The Real Truth About Health , Soil , No chemicals , compost , Pesticides , health and environment conference , jeff lowenfels , soil health , Healthy Soil , how to compost , why top soil is important , stop chemicals , jeff lowenfels soil health , jeff lowenfels teaming with microbes , jeff lowenfels interview

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