Oct 4, 2021
'Michael Martin Meléndrez takes us on a walk in a wonderful forest of relic Sugar Maples found on a mountain near his nursery and tree farm in New Mexico. He explains the concept of the sites soil building process and how that relates to us in the venues of landscaping and Permaculture, helping us understand the science and the amazement of nature\'s soil. Michael has a long history of restoring soils and planting trees as that has been his life\'s work since he was a young boy and today he owns a large tree production nursery and farm that grows and plants trees across the Southwest. Michael is also well known for his coining the phrase and writing the first paper ever on the Soil Food Web titled \'Soil Ecology and the Soil Food Web\' in 1974. This is a must watch video clip for all of us to understand nature\'s soil building process. Also...go to http://www.soilsecrets.com or search the keywords Soil Secrets to watch other short video clips on YouTube of Soil Secrets and Trees That Please.'
Tags: Food , sustainability , web , secrets , Soil , organics
See also: