'During an audio interview with the creator of Dr. Sebi Who and What (Facebook Group) and the late Dr. Sebi, Dr. Sebi provided clarity on 2 food items that were once on the nutritional guide but later removed. Dr. Sebi. shared with the interviewer that Hazelnuts should have remained on the list and why he agreed almonds should have been removed. Hazelnuts have been documented to provide large amounts of antioxidant benefits. It should be noted that antioxidants protect the body from oxidative stress, which can damage cell structure and promote aging, cancer, and heart disease. Research reveals an abundance of antioxidants in hazelnuts, and these are known as phenolic compounds. It has been said, phenolic compounds help decrease blood cholesterol and inflammation. Hazelnuts could also be beneficial for heart health and protecting against cancer. Although hazelnuts are beneficial with our without the skin and can be consumed raw or roasted the majority of the antioxidants present are concentrated in the skin of the nut. Both types retain all or at least some of their skin unless they’ve been blanched. The roasting process intensifies the nut’s, natural sweetness. According to the USDA, roasted hazelnuts are slightly higher in thiamine and potassium, while raw hazelnuts are a slightly better source of folate and ascorbic acid. Overall, however, raw and roasted hazelnuts are nutritionally comparable. Hazelnuts can be used to make hazelnut milk, hazelnut butter, and hazelnut flour. For support with eating the foods on Dr. Sebi\'s Nutritional Guide/ Cell, Food Guide make sure to follow us on IG @alkalinevegangirlz https://anchor.fm/swazette-carlos Facebook @alkalinevegangirls https://www.facebook.com/groups/alkalinevegangirls https://www.facebook.com/groups/DrSebiWhoWhat'
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