'NASA Deep Space Food Challenge | नासा देगा $500,000, देने होंगे अंतरिक्ष में भोजन उत्पादन के आइडिया'

'NASA Deep Space Food Challenge | नासा देगा $500,000, देने होंगे अंतरिक्ष में भोजन उत्पादन के आइडिया'
01:59 Sep 11, 2021
'NASA Deep Space Food Challenge Offers Prizes for Sprouting Astronaut Food Systems  Mission Good food for healthier, happier humans in space and on Earth.  The Deep Space Food Challenge is an international competition where NASA offers prize purse awards to U.S. teams and recognition to international teams. Teams are invited to create novel and game-changing food technologies or systems that require minimal inputs and maximize safe, nutritious, and palatable food outputs for long-duration space missions, and which have potential to benefit people on Earth.  NASA and the Canadian Space Agency have coordinated to open the Deep Space Food Challenge, targeted at developing novel food system technologies for long-duration deep space missions.  Prize: Up to $500,000 from NASA for Phase 1  To Participate visit below any link: https://www.deepspacefoodchallenge.org https://www.deepspacefoodchallenge.org/challenge#prizes OR Deep Space Food Challenge Registration Form: https://www.deepspacefoodchallenge.org/register  Credit: Images: freepik & Nasa' 

Tags: NASA , space , science , Research , Mars , last date , Food production in space , Long Space journeys , NASA Challenge , Food problems in Space , nasa food ideas

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