'The Super Pops, High School Girls, and Pop Stars with Superpowers, try the Sweet vs Spicy vs Sour Food Challenge. (Inspired by the Eating Only One Color of Food for 24 Hours Challenge) Subscribe: http://goo.gl/F6BqkQ All Original Super Pops Totally TV Series and Challenges with Cast Member as CosmicPop, Scarlet Sheppard as ElectraPop and Zaria Suggs as PowerPop. Our Playlists: The SuperPops: Pop Stars with Superpowers https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8YI13LeOVR9Ss4OIzh4QMDa8u0vzCS9d Pop Music High Season 2 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8YI13LeOVR8thRcQpkfz6bsMRLocLyPh More Color Food Challenges We Like: @Hungry Birds - Sweet vs Spicy vs Sour Food Challenge | Hungry Birds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcYYAJ7Ail4 @THE PRINCE FAMILY - SPICY FOOD VS SOUR FOOD CHALLENGE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHiO86sPFL4 @Cyrus and Christina - EXTREME SOUR VS SPICY FOOD CHALLENGE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RaJ4fs9EcU @Preston - Eating Only ONE Color of Food for 24 Hours! (Rainbow Food Challenge) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ5McI7Nb7Y #FoodChallenge #SuperPops #TotallyTV Totally TV Channel https://www.youtube.com/totallytv'
Tags: challenges , 24 hour challenge , the prince family , hungry birds , spicy , Preston , spicy food , sweet food , eating only one color of food for 24 hours , rainbow food challenge , SOUR FOOD , Totally TV , sour vs spicy , cyrus and christina , eat only one color , high school students , SuperPops , Videos for Teens , Spicy vs Sweet vs Sour , Spicy Food VS Sour , the super pops
See also: