'Watch as Chef Navin and his husband, Andrew Pettke, create awesome dishes using ingredients they find in their pantry and fridge during the Corona Virus / Covid-19 home quarantine. On this day 13 of quarantine, Chef Navin and husband, Andrew, show you how to prepare rice 3 different ways! Any well-prepared person keeps shelf-stable ingredients, like rice, on-hand at any time, so it\'s only fitting we feature this staple-of-the-pantry in this cooking segment! RICE 3 WAYS: \"Fried Rice\" (Great as meal OR a side!) If you start with a base of pre-cooked rice, these recipes come together quickly and can be prepared in under 15 minutes! To view ALL of the \"Rice 3 Ways\" cooking segments, please visit our Chef Navin YouTube channel. WINNERS OF FOOD NETWORK\'S GREAT FOOD TRUCK RACE: GOLD COAST with host Tyler Florence (Season 12) // ** GET SPICES FOR THIS RECIPE @ DRAGFOODTRUCK.COM ** #greatfoodtruckrace #gftr12 #friedrice #friedricerecipe #chefnavin #stirfry #tasty #Asian #mystikkamasala #andrewpettke #foodnetwork #foodtruck #soysauce #egg #jalepeno #peasandcarrots'
Tags: tasty , egg , soy sauce , Asian , stir fry , FOOD NETWORK , food truck , fried rice , fried rice recipe , jalepeno , great food truck race , chef navin , mystikka masala , andrew pettke , gftr12 , peas and carrots
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