'Each autumn, as leaves fall to the ground, persimmon trees emerge from the graying landscape, their orange and red fruits gleaming like gaudy Christmas ornaments. Beloved in eastern Asia — especially Japan — persimmons get little respect in the United States, where many tree owners don\'t bother harvesting their crop. If you are the owner, send me a comment on the video. I will follow your request as soon as read. Thank you Thank For Watching Noal Farm For more Hot video Please Sub me Here: https://goo.gl/AECnmd And More playlist Noal Farm : https://goo.gl/tYZdNC Noal Sea : https://goo.gl/vvh4j1 #noalfarm #noalharvesting #JapanesepersimmonHarvesting'
Tags: vegetables , farm , Agriculture , Modern Agriculture , agriculture noal farm , noal farm 2020 , modern agriculture 2020 , modern agriculture 2019 , modern agriculture technology , World's Most Expensive Persimmon , Most Expensive Persimmon , Japanese persimmon , Japanese persimmon Harvesting , Dry persimmon , Dry persimmon traditional making , japanese persimmon farm , japan persimmon cultivation
See also: