'This is the world\'s cheapest 5-star hotel Vs. the most expensive 5-star hotel! Enjoy this hotel tour and cheap vs expensive challenge to see who has the world\'s best 5-star hotel! Throughout this video we compare cheap vs expensive 5-star hotels from the world’s cheapest 5-star hotel to the most expensive 5-star hotel to overnight in the world’s oldest underwater hotel to capsule hotels to many more! Also during this travel experience / hotel review we enjoy all the amenities of the hotels from vending machines, to room service burgers, to even the option to order mr beast burger! Enjoy this cheap vs expensive and hotel video! Subscribe to Lucile Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJdLzKzBQIsY3IIsCxGS7EA?sub_confirmation=1 Hotels: Andamantra Resort, Jumbo Stay, Attrap\'rêves, ICEHOTEL, Faralda Hotel, Soneva Jani / Fushi & Emirates Palace Watch All The Accommodation / Challenge Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5HkhAw5468&list=PLJyWHYKj1MV7mEBEoZq0NcMNQHc2A57rF Watch these specific ones next: LIVING on WORLD\'S BEST VENDING MACHINES for 1 WEEK! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CTZXG6_Qqs WORLD\'S CHEAPEST FIRST CLASS AIRPLANE SEAT (Only $355) https://youtu.be/RRcgqBNuoXc WORLD’S CHEAPEST CAPSULE HOTEL Vs. MOST EXPENSIVE CAPSULE HOTEL ($7 vs $175)!: https://youtu.be/ShyWJFex8pc LIVING on WORLD’S BEST BURGERS for 24 HOURS (Gordon Ramsay, MrBeast Burger & MORE)! https://youtu.be/r_v5Iyx6nfU'
Tags: burger , 24 hour challenge , Travel , hotels , experience , mr beast , hotel , first class , Airplane Seat , luxury hotel , hotel review , LIVINGBOBBY , 5-star , Capsule Hotel , living cheap , vending machines , underwater hotel , world’s cheapest , cheapest first class , cheapest 5-star hotel , most expensive 5-star hotel , overnight in underwater hotel , overnight in the worlds cheapest hotel , world’s most expensive hotel room
See also: