'Have you ever wondered how long would you survive in certain situations such as being buried alive, on the electric chair, without food or even without pooping? Of course there are many variables in the times as everyone is different. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL —► - https://bit.ly/2YxSZw1 Let us know in the comments below if there\'s a video you\'d like to see! The data and statistics videos are based on internet searches, online community discussions and online articles. Data listed may be out of date, incorrect or valid. All sources are listed in the description. Follow us on FaceBook for more interesting facts! ➤https://www.facebook.com/TallyStats/ Sources: ➤https://pastebin.com/sfxyFe9d'
Tags: data , Comparison , probability Comparison , interesting facts , mr beast , survival , amazing facts , Tally , How long would you last , Survival Times , buried alive , How Long Would You Survive , tallystat , how long would you survive on the moon
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