'Cheaper food to Feed Shrimp'

'Cheaper food to Feed Shrimp'
05:21 Jan 27, 2024
'I\'m doing an in dept look at what and how much you should feed your shrimp throughout the week. I will give you feeding tips and show you how feeding can affect your water quality.  Indian Almond Leaves video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weCD6vrf0_M&t=41s  Our website will be up and running soon: www.mcmerwe.co.za  Find us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mcmerwefarms' 

Tags: feeding , types of food , how much , water quality , SHRIMP , Shrimp Food , feeding shrimp , how to feed shrimp , cherry shirmp , yellow shrimp , culled shrimp , increase survival rate , how much should i feed shrimp , how much to feed shrimp , How Often to Feed your Shrimp , how much shrimp food , neocaridina shrimp food , caridina shrimp food , how to care for shrimp , breeding shrimp in an aquarium , feeding baby shrimp

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