'Hi, in today\'s video i will be sharing a small #swatchparty video of the newish #clionadhcosmetics #stainedglass #eyeshadowcollection these shades are #multichromes which is a newer #eyeshadowtrend pioneered by #indiebrands I purchased the Rainbow Set of Six for C$140.00 + $15 for shipping. if I missed anything else leave me a comment. SHOP - https://www.clionadhcosmetics.com/jewelled-multichromes Codes don\'t apply on this collection Angies video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9juerIwyM04 THANK YOU for stopping by my YOUTUBE Channel. Stay awhile and checkout a few videos. I upload every other day (EVEN DAYS) at 6:45am CT. My goal is to make it to 3000 subscribers so if you LOVE my videos don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE. If you have any questions leave me a comment below. If you want to keep up with my day-to-day checkout my other social media pages and links.THANKS AGAIN! *10% off your entire order at Alter Ego with code KAREN10 http://shopalterego.com/products/goddess *Merch - https://teespring.com/stores/karen-harris-makeup *Poshmark - https://poshmark.com/closet/thatssocharming *Email - [email protected] *instagram - karen_harris_makeup *Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KarenHarrisMakeup/ *Music By - http://www.bensound.com *EBATES $10 - https://www.ebates.com/r/KARENB2726?eeid=28187 *Get $10 off $50 Simplified planner - http://i.refs.cc/XykLqDUB - - Outfit Details - - Top - Earrings - - - Makeup Details - - Foundation - Eyeshadow - Lipstick - - - - Fun Facts About Me - - - 1. How old are you ? 30 2. Where are you from ? Sri Lanka 3. Where do you live ? Fargo ND 4. Shade reference ? MAC Cosmetics NC42 NARS Winter - Syracuse | Summer- Tahoe Huda Beauty- Summer - Gingerbread 430N Fenty Beauty- 370 Estee Lauder Double Wear 4N2 Spiced Sand If you need help finding a foundation match try -http://findation.com/ ** My filming equipment and other Amazon fav\'s ** http://a.co/bla0u12 ** My favorite Youtubers ** Samantha March Will I Buy It Series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqLXjaDrOaY&list=PLh4eMv6KTydBgQNxk9g7qKMdY-OSKGU-5 Trendmood1 Makeup Updates https://www.instagram.com/trendmood1/?hl=en Disclaimer: I do swear on my channel because this is how i talk. i\'m sorry if that means you cant watch my videos. This is not a sponsored video. The products featured in this video were purchased by me, myself and I. All opinions expressed in this video are completely honest, unsolicited and my own. My thoughts as always are unbiased and based on my own overall experience.Some links maybe affiliates and i will make a small commission from the purchase.'
Tags: new makeup , eyeshadow palette , summer makeup , indie makeup , Small Youtuber , karen harris makeup , spring makeup , multichrome eyeshadows , clionadh cosmetics , swatches on tan skin , swatch party , das expensive
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