'Clionadh Cosmetics Dragon Fruit Palette VS Menagerie Cosmetics Sugar High Palette | WHICH IS FOR YOU I thought it would be fun to compare and see which one would be the one you would choose. Clionadh Dragon Fruit palette https://rb.gy/lqxxvl Menagerie Sugar High https://rb.gy/5oc1zu ****************************************************************** ✰Come Hang With Me✰: Instagram/Instagram Stories: alejandralisette_ Instagram for my panning family: alejandrathepanner ******************************************************************** ✰Latest Video✰: Ranking Eyeshadow Palettes I\'ve Used The Last 2 Months | NEW PALETTES & OLD PALETTES https://youtu.be/mlVekwx3HJo Timestamps 0:00 intro 1:11 Sugar High Palette 4:51 Dragon Fruit Palette 11:44 Which one is right for you? 14:55 wrap up/thoughts ******************************************************************** Affiliate Links: --I receive a small commission from these links/codes. You don\'t have to use any code or link if you don\'t feel comfortable. If you do, many thanks and very appreciated. -Game Beauty- https://gamebeauty.com/ Use code \"ALEJANDRA\" for 10% off -BK Beauty https://bit.ly/358nwCY Use Code: Alejandra10 for 10% off -Merit Beauty https://muse.meritbeauty.com/alejandra5 -Silhouette Boutiques: https://silhouetteboutiques.com Use Code ALEJANDRA to get 10% off -Bodyography: https://bodyography.pxf.io/q5AVq -YesStyle: https://ys.style/xTH8jp7y1bb Use Code: AlejandraL (2-5% off) -Shop Miss A: https://bit.ly/3oquxbf -PicMonkey- https://picmonkey.love/ref/6gWjZN -Rakuten Referral: http://bit.ly/2yR9tQo As of 2017 I have earned over $1500 doing my household supply shopping online. If you use my link, my kids thank you!!! -I use MagicLinks for all my ready-to-shop product links. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/2iI6Qur If you want to check out any makeup items I am selling, you can do so on my poshmark https://poshmark.com/closet/ale_lisette username: @ale_lisette *********************************************************************** ✰Makeup I\'m Wearing✰: ∣Eyes∣: ∣Lips∣: ∣Nails∣: ****************************************************************** ✰Camera: Canon 70D ✰Lens: Canon EF-S 18-135mm ✰Editing Software: Cyberlink PowerDirector My mailing address: Alejandra Lisette PO Box 730 Cologne, NJ 08213 ✰✰✰✰ **All logos and/or photos are from their own respective websites and used solely for informational use.** ***************************************************************** ✰Hi!! My name is Alex and welcome to the family!! This channel is treated as a family and as such, there are times we may not see eye to eye. I welcome you to be an active member but will not tolerate any disrespectful or negative comments. In a family, we can agree to disagree but there is always RESPECT. I want my channel to be a positive, fun, environment and will not allow anyone to ruin it for others. Your comment will be deleted and you will be blocked. Please have respect for one another. Thank you so much for being a part of our family.✰ For serious business inquiries such as product reviews ONLY please feel free to contact me through email at : [email protected] ******************************************************************* FTC: I was not paid in any way, shape or form to mention any of these products. From time to time companies will send me products for consideration or review. This video contains honest opinions that are solely my own. Some links are affiliate/referral links which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links (shown as bit.ly) #menageriesugarhigh #clionadhdragonfruit*'
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