'*****Disclaimer*** This video was taken before the death of Dr. Sebi. My products were ordered before any news broke of his products being tampered with. I am a firm believer in, \"your thoughts have power.\" So, if you believe these products will help and heal you, then they will. If you believe these products are now tainted and will hinder your healing, then you will get exactly that. I had/ have amazing results using Dr/ Sebi products. By using his small cleansing package, it has thrusted me into a life of clean eating-- One day at a time. This video is dialogue of days1-5 being on Dr. Sebi small cleanse package. Raw talk of my progress and how it\'s making me feel both good and bad. Lot\'s of bathroom talk and hormonal changes talk. I feel great, so please watch the entire video so you can get a full idea of what I am experiencing! Enjoy and don\'t forget to comment below. Thanks for watching, don\'t forget to like and subscribe. Share if it moves you. Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dreamdreamerceo Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100023455833659 Follow me on TikTik: \"Remixed Mom\" https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeBuHEgn/'
Tags: dr. Sebi cleanse , vaginal discharge , Woman vaginal mucus , diarrhea mucus , Dr. Sebi cleanse package , Woman hormonal imbalance , Dr Sebi Estro
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