'Packed full of antioxidants, Australian Native foods are going global | ABC News'

05:59 Nov 8, 2022
'Australia is famous for lamingtons and the beloved meat pie, but researchers want to transform our traditional cuisine to include native bush foods like Illawarra plums, pindan walnuts and wattleseed.   While Indigenous communities have long known the benefits of bush tucker such as bunya nuts, lemon aspen, riberries, desert limes and Cape York lilly pilly, the foods remain largely untapped for Australian\'s food industry.   The University of Queensland (UQ) and the Australia Research Council\'s Training Centre for Uniquely Australian Foods wants to change that and is working in partnership with Traditional Owners to turn the foods into branded products.   Centre director Associate Professor Yasmina Sultanbawa said the health and nutrition benefits of native foods was understudied.   The centre is a collaboration of local and international experts and scientists, as well as a cohort of PhD students, who will support Indigenous groups get native products to a commercial market.   Food scientists will provide research on composition, toxicity and safety, UQ\'s law school will assist with intellectual property, marketing and branding, and social scientists will monitor the impact on local communities.   Associate Professor Sultanbawa said the aim was to push the native foods industry forward to meet widespread demand.   For more read here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-11-17/native-bush-foods-australian-bush-tucker-going-global/11658008  For more from ABC News, click here: https://ab.co/2kd3ALi If you\'re in Australia, you can watch more ABC News content on iview: https://ab.co/2kKaXKn  Subscribe to ABC News In-depth: https://www.youtube.com/c/abcnewsindepth For breaking and trending news, subscribe to ABC News on YouTube: http://ab.co/1svxLVE You can also like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/abcnews.au Or follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/abcnews_au Or even on Twitter: http://twitter.com/abcnews' 

Tags: News , AUSTRALIA , abc , indigenous , ABC News , Bush , uq , Native Foods , landline , indigenous food , bush tucker , australian cuisine , aussie food , aboriginal food , aussie food taste test , University of Queensland , Bush Tucker Man , saltbush , Kakadu plum , wattleseed , Australian research council , Centre for uniquely Australian food , Aussie cuisine , Australian indigenous , Australian indigenous food , Aborigine , native food cooking , native food recipes , bushtucker bunji , australian cuisine food

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