'Most amazing and a unique Indian Cooking method which is century old and almost forgotten by people of the modern age. Just before 20-30 years this cooking method was still alive nut now its rarely seen in used. Watch out India\'s Top Award Winning Cooking show on the Internet. Nikunj Vasoya Brings you the Best of Indian Village Cooking Methods and Techniques. ******************************* My Clay Pots: https://amzn.to/2JUNJtB My Spice Box: https://amzn.to/2Obsc5w My Stone Mortar and Pestle: https://amzn.to/2XZQLXB ******************************** Indian Vegetarian Recipes. https://foodontvnetwork.com Recipes in Hindi. https://recipesinhindi.in Recipes in Gujarati. https://rasoithigujaratirecipes.in Show: Best Ever Cooking Show S5E10 Producers: Foodon TV India Pvt. Ltd & Nikunj Vasoya. Director & Executive Producer: Nikunj Vasoya. DOP: Hitesh Vasoya. Camera: Nitin Makwana. Boom Operator & Sound: Jaytam Vasoya. DI Colorist: Nikunj Vasoya. Editor: Nikunj Vasoya. #AmazingFood #AmazingCooking #IndianFood'
Tags: Indian food , vegetarian food , amazing food , indian village food , Indian Village Cooking , Nikunj Vasoya , veg cooking
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