'Meet Dr. Sebi'

03:56 Oct 9, 2022
'Dr. Sebi is founder of the Dr. Sebi\'s Research Institute. For over 28 years, the institute has been successful in curing diseases deemed \"incurable\" by modern medicine. Through their methodology, A.I.D.S., Sickle Cell Anemia, Lupus, Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancers, Leukemia, Herpes, Epilepsy, Fibroid Tumors, and a host of other diseases have been successfully reversed. According to Western medical research, diseases are a result of the host being infected with a \"germ\", \"virus\", or \"bacteria\". In their approach in treating these \" \"infestations\", inorganic, carcinogenic chemicals are employed. Dr. Sebi\'s research immediately uncovers flaws in their premise and methodology through basic deductive reasoning. By consistently utilizing the same premise and methods, they have consistently yielded ineffective results. In essence, in the 400-year tradition of the European philosophy of medicine, their approach in treating disease has yet to produce any cures. Dr. Sebi offers the Bio-Mineral Therapy which is a natural vegetation cell food. A living subtance, which nourishes the body and detoxifies at the cellular level. One must consume life to maintain and sustain itself-not Death. Dr. Sebi\'s Website - http://www.drsebiproducts.com/ Join the Village @ http://internubian.com' 

Tags: health (industry) , medicine , Personalities

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