'Banky Pound created Bowlzilla Which Means Pizza in a Bowl and this aint no prison food. #Bowlzilla #pizzainabowl #afterprisonshowbanky #teambankypound #bankology101 Banky Pound food after 33 years in prison is the cornerstone of #teambankypound. Bankology101 starts from the After Prison Show by cooking prison food, spreading wisdom and inspiration after 33 years in prison. Mottos: “Don’t pretend to be who you don’t intend to be.” “Do what you have to do now, so you can do what you want to do later” Anyone who wishes to send me something this is my personal address: P.O. Box 2251 Newport News,VA 23609 Instagram: @bankypound Facebook: Banky Pound PLEASE LIKE AND HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON EXODUS 20:13
Tags: pizza recipe , banky , pizza bowl , banky pound prison , BOWLZILLA PIZZA IN A BOWL AINT NO PRISON FOOD BANKYPOUND , BOWLZILLA , BOWLZILLA PIZZA IN A BOWL AINT NO PRISON FOOD , BANKYPOUND , PIZZA IN A BOWL AINT NO PRISON FOOD , pizza in a bowl , bowl pizza , banky pound food , banky pound bowlzilla , after prison show banky , prison food banky pound , pizza in a bowl banky pound , banky pound prison food , bankology101 , bowlzilla pizza , banky pound pizza , teambankypound , after 33 years
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