'Hello Fitness Fighters, Aaj ke video me hamne bataya hai ki Roti Sabji Khakar Muscle Gain Kar sakte hain ya nahi? Kitna roti khana chahiye agar hame Muscle Build karna hai toh..Aur kitna roti khana hai agar hame weight loss krna hai toh? Poora video dekhe..! Jarur value milega..!! **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** Hope you guys will like this video. If you have any doubt then please comment. So this video will help you for sure. Like Our Facebook Page: https://fb.me/fitnessfightersofficial Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/FitnessFightersOfficial https://www.instagram.com/MontuMouryaFitness 1.Hindi | Diet plan for weight gain | वजन बढ़ाने के लिए डाइट प्लान | https://youtu.be/o6yr-rP5rV4 2. Six Pack Home Workout (Six Packs बनाने के लिए home वर्कआउट): https://youtu.be/OohYBWygHHo 3. Full Body home Workout ( पूरी body के लिए वर्कआउट ): https://youtu.be/RdWMAsnexAs 4. 5 Minute Me 200 Pushups By Montu https://youtu.be/1aMrDQwBGWU 5. Chest Workout at Home For Beginner : https://youtu.be/rXoLkvBelA8 **-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** Please like this video and comment if you want to ask anything regarding fitness. Subscribe Now: https://goo.gl/JRwg6e Till then Stay Fit Stay Awesome..! **---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**'
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