Sep 17, 2022
'Though others have followed in his footsteps, Adam Richman will always be remembered as the original host of \"Man v. Food.\" In that role, Richman took on every food-related challenge that came his way, devouring massive quantities of food as well as some of the spiciest stuff on the planet. It\'s been almost a decade since Richman did his last food challenge for the show, so Mashed talked with the affable host about his time climbing those food mountains. In particular, we asked him about his least favorite challenge, and he delivered. This is the one \"Man v. Food\" challenge Adam Richman hated. #adamrichman #food #foodchallenge Read Full Article: https://www.mashed.com/352260/adam-richman-reveals-his-favorite-and-least-favorite-challenges-from-man-v-food-exclusive/'
Tags: food challenge , mashed , man v food , adam richman , the travel channel
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