'What\'s going on guys StonyRob420 here cooling and toking. In today\'s video I am going to be reviewing Seth Rogen\'s weed brand, Houseplant Indica. This strain created by Houseplant (parent company Canopy Growth) is a 24.1% THC Indica Dominant strain. DISCLAIMER: This channel is for mature audience (18+). Under Bill C-45, under all rights to consume recreational cannabis. NOTHING IS FOR SALE! Everything I say is purely entertainment ;) and should be taken as so. Some reviews and opinions might disturb the haters. If you enjoyed the video leave a like and subscribe for more videos! DON\'T CLICK THIS LINK: https:/bit.ly/3bRPLrb INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/stonyrob420/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/flapingabird Stream Dono Link: https://streamlabs.com/stonyrob ► Artist Attribution Music By: \"NOMALOUS\" #SethRogen #Indica #Review'
Tags: review , legal , Seth Rogen , joints , Blunts , backwoods , indica , Hotbox , sativa , seth rogen weed , StonyRob , Stonyrob420 , Reviewing SETH ROGEN'S Weed Brand! (Houseplant Indica) , Reviewing SETH ROGEN'S Weed Brand , Houseplant Indica , Reviewing Seth Rogen's weed
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