'James Franco Responds To Seth Rogen Cutting Him Off For S/A Allegations...!? If you haven\'t heard, there\'s a bit of a situation going on right now with James Franco. The award-winning actor has been making a name for himself in the wrong way as an actress who was almost forced to work with him has called him in one of the worst ways. These are that shouldn\'t be taken lightly, and as such, need to be discussed. But what might be the most curious element of this is that James Franco himself has spoken out on the matter and his words are...interesting. We\'ll break it all down for you. Be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel! Click HERE To Enter The GIVEAWAY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbiT0LUIbQj6CQScvWHJeKQ?sub_confirmation=1 And there you have it, everyone! A look at the against James Franco and how he has responded to them. Are you surprised by his rather nonchalant to stated against him? Do you feel that this is proof he\'s going to fight this tooth and nail to try and \"clear his name\"? Do you hope he gets exiled from Hollywood because of his past actions? Let us know in the comments below, be sure to subscribe and we\'ll see you next time on the channel! You are not required to comment to win the giveaway distributed in the video. It is ONLY a recommendation. You must have a twitter under the same username of youtube in order to qualify to get in contact with you. For more information on giveaways refer to youtube’s contest policies: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1620498?hl=e'
Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , celeb news , clevver news , celebrity news , entertainment news , Seth Rogen , james franco , hollyscoop , seth rogan , Franco , seth rogen interview , this happened , dave franco , viral vision , james franco interview , james franco seth rogen , seth rogen james franco , james franco responds , james franco and seth rogen , seth rogen and james franco , what did james franco do , james franco allegations , seth rogan james franco , seth rogan has no plans to work with james franco
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