'3 Common BACTERIA in Food'

'3 Common BACTERIA in Food'
05:29 Aug 14, 2022
'3 Common BACTERIA in Food  Bacteria are a double-edged sword. Some of them may pose a risk to human health. However, others are necessary to enjoy good health. Did you know that it is possible to find bacteria in food that cause damage to health? Consuming contaminated products can lead to poisoning that makes the digestive system incompetent. Thus, it may need pharmacological aids to restore its normal function.   Next, we are going to tell you which are the three most common strains.  Keep in mind that good food hygiene practices are capable of avoiding many scares. Only by keeping the cold chain, or properly defrosting consumer products, can prevent many pathologies caused by pathogens that put human health at risk.  What damage do bacteria cause in the body? When a pathogenic bacteria is consumed, it colonizes the digestive tract and alters its normal function. From here on, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, gas, and even fever can occur. This is in terms of symptoms, but the intestinal tube will not absorb and digest nutrients properly either, so dietary deficits will be experienced. In the worst case, other vital organs such as the liver can be damaged. Some bacteria are capable of generating hepatitis. However, this pathology is usually caused by viruses that can also be present in food. This is evidenced by a study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology.  Three common bacteria that can be found in food.  We will show you three strains of bacteria present in food, which will colonize the digestive tract if good food hygiene practices are not ensured.  1. Salmonella: It is a typical bacteria found in meat and eggs. It is present in many animals\' intestines and can be transmitted by contact with their fecal remains.  Usually, it generates intense symptoms that present with severe vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. In the most severe cases, it can lead to dehydration and require medical attention.  It is common to become infected with this bacterium by consuming mayonnaise or products made with eggs in summer. When good food hygiene practices are not followed, these pathogens that do well at room temperature can proliferate, according to data from a study published in The journal Food Microbiology.  2. Clostridium: This bacterium is the cause of botulism, a pathology that causes progressive paralysis of the human body\'s muscles, and that can cause death.  It is generally found in canned foods that have not been adequately sterilized, such as tomato sauces. Fortunately, it is a microorganism that has been shown not to resist high temperatures well, so boiling usually kills it.  In any case, it is essential to make sure that the packaged foods that we purchase have not lost their vacuum and that they do not show any deformation on the outside.  If not, it is best to dispose of them rather than consume them. It is also essential to respect the dates of preferred food consumption, especially those containing animal origin products.  3. Campylobacter: It is a bacterium that causes enteritis, a pathology that causes inflammation at the intestinal level. It is common for it to derive strong colic and diarrhea; sometimes, blood can be detected in stools and high fever episodes. It all depends on the ingested strain in question and the amount of bacteria consumed.  It should be noted that we are talking about a pathogen that can live in water or certain foods such as poultry. The consumption of this raw product is highly dangerous. However, the sterilization of food and complete cooking causes the microorganism\'s death, so the danger ceases.  Are all common bacteria harmful? Although we have given you examples of harmful bacteria to human health, it should be noted that not all are harmful to health.  Some can colonize the intestinal tract areas and generate a benefit for the host at the digestive level. They are even capable of positively affecting immune function. We will introduce you to the main bacteria that are good for the body and the foods that contain them in large quantities.  Lactobacillus: It is a genus of bacteria presents above all in dairy foods that have undergone a fermentation process. It is common to find them in yogurts and kefir.  They can improve digestive function and reduce the incidence of inflammatory bowel diseases. Also, they help prevent diarrhea associated with the chronic use of antibiotics.  Bifidobacterium: As in the previous case, this type of microorganism is typical of dairy products that have undergone a previous fermentation. However, they can also be included in the diet through supplements.    Reference https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32471014/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29366469/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28058209/' 

Tags: bacteria in food

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