'Hey guys thank you for clicking on my video. In this video I attempt to buy 5,000 calories worth of food for £5 and eat it all in one epic cheat meal. If you have any suggestions on what challenge I could do please leave me a comment down below. I hope you enjoy the video, if you do please feel free to like and subscribe. Music: J Cole - Return Of Simba (One of my favourite songs ever) Also if you are interested in online coaching please fill out the application form below. Application Form For Online Coaching: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLJ3GEPz6H-2-Ow0SYiAh3URemR6WXQBb7GKoLG2Vof8IosA/viewform Tonk Aesthetics Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonk_aesthetics/ Contact Me: Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/calum.pugsley?ref=bookmarks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calumpugsley/ Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Pugzy22 Snapchat: pugsley22 Email: [email protected]'
Tags: fitness , food challenge , cookies , challenge video , on a budget , Lidl , cambridge , man vs food , cheat day , epic cheat meal , epic cheat day , how to gain weight fast , epic food challenge , Pastry Challenge
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