'Dr Sebi\'s Regard For Money'

'Dr Sebi\'s  Regard For Money'
03:49 Jun 28, 2022
'I have seen videos where people have expressed how they were not in approval of Dr. Sebi\'s selling compounds to the people of the world. It\'s okay, lets just assume that they have not seen this video.  DR. SEBI\'S REGARD FOR MONEY  For me, this money that we are using IS NOT OURS in the first place. When I listen to Dr. Sebi here, it confirms for me what I already knew when I heard him speak of how pleased he was to be living; an avenue that he would use regarding how to live. In case there are some of you who do not see it though the message is as clear as day - Dr. Sebi\'s attitude towards life demonstrates how he has somehow attached himself to an entirely different VALUE other than \"money.\" And it wasn\'t as simple as being glad to be alive because we are aware of Dr. Sebi as being a man who went through some serious healing himself to the point of what he has described in other videos as an internal love; a state that no one else could give him. So with this we know that he learned to value THE QUALITY of life.  Now when we think about people who once lived without the use of money, we will know that their motivation for getting up and making things happen was not based on the value of the use of money or even a trading system, but based off of the value of a higher quality of life and contributing to a greater quality of life for everyone.  Dr. Sebi was not thinking about business when he spoke about BOLINGO!!!!!! He was thinking about the people\'s CONTRIBUTION!!!!! Your adversary smiles with great joy every time someone mentions how Dr. Sebi\'s products seem to be so expensive. Volunteers are hard to come by so those who are willing to commit themselves to serve the people destine to benefit from Dr. Sebi\'s Cell Food from Usha Village to the LA office, need to be paid. His adversaries waited for him to get on a plane with money that would be used to pay the workers in Usha Village.  WE NEED MONEY Don\'t let people make you feel guilty about making a dollar; especially if you are making contributions on a consistent basis towards entities that will enrich the lives of millions or people. If you are aware of Dr. Sebi, join the advocates. It\'s a very unique way to clap back. Lets come together for Dr. Sebi and do a hell of a lot more. Every time we purchase compounds from Dr. Sebi Cell Food we actually contribute to the lives of those of those who run the office make the compound and bring quality to Usha Village - there is no way that you can truly compensate them on a monetary basis for doing something that is SOOOO PRICELESS. And that goes for any other company or service in the position to help people. I look forward to asking 100,000 advocates to donate five dollars than to be asking for 300 advocates to donate $5. We have work to do and although the recommended amount to become an advocate is $5, you can pay $1 if that is your budget. For those who can do more; DO MORE and watch what happens when you are a part of large donations that contribute to advance social morality among Dr. Sebi health enthusiasts.   Read and Follow Instructions to join the Advocates: http://advocatesfordrsebi.org/the-advocacy-program/  There is a lot of information there based on FAQs I would get over the years, BUT simple instructions are there that tell you where to send an email when you are ready to join, what the subject of the email should be and what your message should be.' 

Tags: Money , dr. sebi

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