'FOOD in French, Learn how to pronounce correctly the most common words in french cuisine'

'FOOD in French, Learn how to pronounce correctly the most common words in french cuisine'
05:23 Jun 7, 2022
'In this video you\'ll learn these and 30 words more l\'appétit-appetite la saucisse grillée-bratwurst la cantine-cafeteria le chewing-gum-chewing gum la crème fraîche-cream le plat-dish l\'œuf sur le plat-fried egg le réglisse-licorice le champignon-mushroom l\'arachide-peanut la quiche-pie la praline-praline la salade-salad la sauce-sauce l\'épice-spice les graines de tournesol-sunflower seeds le serveur-waiter' 

Tags: Food , FRANCE , salad , french , sauce , belgium , pie , say , pronounce , how to say , mushroom , idioms , translation , cousine , languaje

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