'New members get their 1st month of the Dollar Shave Club Starter Set including the Executive Razor and trial-sized versions of their Shave Butter, Body Cleanser and One Wipe Charlies’ Butt Wipes for ONLY $5 (and free shipping). After that razors are just a few bucks a month. Exclusively at: http://www.dollarshaveclub.com/reactiontime Instagram: http://instagram.com/talfishman Twitter: https://twitter.com/talfishman_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theofficialtalfishman Snapchat: TheTalFishman Gaming Channel: https://goo.gl/DXe98c Reaction Channel: https://goo.gl/3yEZba For Video Suggestions E-mail: [email protected] Friends Adi Fishman: @adifishman1 Cenna Rashidi: @c_nuh Anthony Rivera:@reactionbro Michael Rosillo:@michael_reviews Joseph Sim: @jojothejetplaneee David Rose: @rose Nick Mayorga: @nickmayorga'
Tags: fun , challenges , toys , games , reaction time , kid friendly , free time , game time , Team Edge
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