'Eco Tip of the Week: When at a restaurant, ask for no straw in your drink. If you like straws, bring your own - get one from a company like GlassDharma Restaurant of the Week: Udupi Palace (San Francisco) Book of the Week: Thanking the Money by Karen Dawn Vegan Food of the Week: BlissmoBox organic and fair-trade - La Yapa quinoa, Kaia Foods Cocoa Bliss granola and Fruit Leather, Numi rooibos tea, Sambazon energy drink. Alter Eco brown sugar, and Cliff bars Video of the Week: everything on Jason Wrobel\'s channel Website of the Week: The Green Girl Next Door Shout-out of the Week: Rawdorable Answer of the Week: Question - I just turned vegetarian and my stomach is upset - why? Question for You of the Week: Where\'s the most surprising place you\'ve found organic and/or vegan food in the world? Response of the Week: kale is the audience favorite for green food! Giveaway Winner: Joanna, a 17 year old in Ohio who recently turned vegan, won the $50 gift certificate to bgreen apparel! Check out her video response Health Tip of the Week: be more compassionate and accepting towards others when discussing a difference in lifestyle. Negative conversations will leave you feeling uncomfortable and//or bitter, which is no good for your emotional health. Try being more open and understanding, even if you disagree with them Upcoming Event: San Francisco VegFest October 1st and 2nd Giveaway: 8 oz. bag of Happy Hemp and recipe cards ▷ Sign up for the EvG newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/ecovegangal.com/newsletter ► Support Eco-Vegan Gal on Patreon: http://patreon.com/ecovegangal ▷ \"Healthy Balanced Vegan Body\" book: http://whitneylauritsen.com/healthy-balanced-body/ ► \"Healthy Organic Vegan on a Budget\" ebook: http://veganebook.com ▷ More product recommendations: http://amazon.com/shop/ecovegangal ► Ask a question about eco-vegan living here: http://bit.ly/askevgquestion ▷ Check out Whitney\'s Facebook Watch series: https://www.facebook.com/EcoVeganPal/ ▷ Watch Whitney\'s other channels: https://www.facebook.com/EcoVeganPal/ http://youtube.com/EcoVeganGalUnCensor http://youtube.com/WhatAVeganEats http://youtube.com/EcoVeganDog http://youtube.com/EvGVenture SOCIAL: Instagram: http://instagram.com/ecovegangal Twitter: http://twitter.com/ecovegangal Facebook: http://facebook.com/ecovegangal Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/ecovegangal SnapChat: http://www.snapchat.com/add/ecovegangal Website: http://www.ecovegangal.com * Indicates that an affiliate link is used, for which I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.'
Tags: girl , Health , Food , free , Raw , vegan , green , Organic , Giveaway , vegetarian , indian , Apparel , Compassion , SAN FRANCISCO , RESTAURANT , tip , eco , box , Jason Wrobel , blissmo , fair-trade , bgreen , vanessa meier
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