'Our goal in life is to help others open their eyes to new possibilities, To support our channel through https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/Meditmind If you wish find Te funegreek or funegreek oil check this links fenugreek oil https://www.facebook.com/groups/530659637416382/ HOW TO MAKE ,YOUR HOME FENUGREC OIL, to Increase your Breast Size, and Make Your Butt, Rounder, and Bigger? Fenugreek oil, concentrates the benefits, of fenugreek seeds. Fenugreek oil, has the same benefits, as fenugreek seed. There are, several ways, to make Fenugreek oil, at home. And I will show you today, in this video, my favorite way here. Because, it is very simple, and effective. This method, is unique, and very rare. We will extract. the oil contained in the fenugreek seeds. by infusion, macerating them. in olive oil, We can use olso, another oil, without problem. So, let\'s begin. Ingredients: 1. One glass of olive oil. about 400 milliliters. 2. Four or five, eating spoons, of fenugreek seeds. Preparation of the recipe . First. Pour the olive oil, into a saucepan. Second. Add the fenugreek, and put everything, to heat, over low heat, temperature between, 70 till 80 degres.heat it about 8 minutes. But. But. You must not heat, the fenugreek seeds. Third. Put fenugreek seeds, and the olive oil, into a mixer, and Grind very good, the mixture with the mixer. Fourth. Put the mixture in a bottle, and put the bottle, in a dark place, for at least, 7 days. Fifth. After 7 days, take the mixture, and Filter the seeds from the oil, Pour the mixture, into a muslin cloth, and press as hard as possible, to extract as much oil as, possible. Then pour the oil, into a bottle. And now, you have a pure, and very concentrated, fenugreek oil. This method, is the most efficient. And you can see, by yourself the big difference, comparing to other oil.'
Tags: Increase breast size in 1 week (100% works) , the benefits of fenugreek oil the use of fenugreek oil , Fast breast growth and breast size increase tips , Breast enlargement oil making at home , How To Increase Breast Size Naturally with the fenugreek oil , how Fenugreek Oil Helps To Increase The Breast Size , Breast Enhancement Fast and Safely Effective
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