'amazing traditional iranian food (جغور پغور)| coocked in rainy forest'

'amazing traditional iranian food (جغور پغور)| coocked in rainy forest'
16:35 Apr 10, 2022
'making one of the traditional and famous iranian food that more than thousand years old in the beautiful forest in antalya city .this food contain lamb liver , lung , heart , lamb fat with organic vegetables and iranian spices make it so delicious and juicy        #lamb #liver #heart #fat #vegetable #cooking #nature #naturecooking #easternrecipe #cook #lambheartrecipe #traditionalfood #traditional #iran #cookingvlog #cookingvideo #cookingchannel #cookingshow' 

Tags: #nature , #traditionalfood , #cookingshow , #easternrecipe , #naturecooking , #iranianfood , #forestcooking

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