02:07:04 Mar 17, 2022
'0:00 intro 11:00 I recently started doing fasted cardio with yohimbine and black coffee. Will adding 2-3 packets of Splenda spike my insulin making the yomhimbine useless? Each pack of Splenda has 1g carb / 4kcal. 14:00 did u like your clients or did they not listen? 16:30 Should I count the carbs from veggies when cutting? Eating up to 3-400grams broccoli a day 20:00 I pinned quad a couple days ago with a 30g , 1/2in. Quad is swollen and red. What do you think happened? Any thing to help it go away? 24:15 ​Have u ever used a meal prep company or always cooked ur own food. Any recommendations 31:15 Clen or DNP (if careful of dose) ur thoughts? 39:00 How much pharma grade HGH do I need to take before I notice physical changes?Are the changes permanent? I just ordered a 74 iu Humitrope pen. hope it has some substantial effect 44:15 Whats ur experience w/ intermittent fasting if any 50:45 abs exercises to do at home when gyms are closed? 54:15 ​thoughts on taking cialis low dose everyday for health ? 55:15 Chase, been using HGH (4iu a day) for just a bit over a year, noticed I have a gut now... is this just a coincidence? Should I cycle off GH or is it safe to run all year? 56:15 Hypothetical question: You win 1st place at the contest, your socials media’s and YouTube blow up! Dr Tony H. comes knocking with that 7fig contract $... E.A. t-shirt next livestream? 57:45 Can I keep HGH at room temp? Want to take it while traveling 59:45 ​You still working with Jordan Peters? Thoughts on his recent decision? 1:11:00 ​Do u still use creatine during a cut cycle? 1:12:00 why am I getting painful lumps everytime I pin now? could it be a intolerance to the BA or BB? 1:16:30 ​When starting to take gear did your frame size increase? 1:17:30 Can you be allergic to gear? Or every person on earth is capable of taking it 1:18:15 ​cialis and high blood pressure meds used together, is it safe ? 1:18:30 what is the best answer for when people tell you that salt is bad ? 1:19:30 ​Would you start HGH directly at 4iu/6iu a day or gradually ramp it up 1 iu a week till reach the desire dose? 1:21:15 ​is there such a thing as to much estrogen, even if your not having side effects ? 1:24:00 ​How much cardio do u do a day or is it all diet 1:25:00 What steroid can not cause erectile Disfunction?? 1:29:30 ​you ran mast in a bulk with npp before did you find that mast help with libido and bloating also when you ran mast with tren did it help to improve mood while on tren 1:32:30 600 test E 600 mast P 300 tren E good contest prep cycle? 1:33:30 ​How do I eat more protein? I weight 280lbs but I should be around 190 if I cut, every time I try I lose muscle mass as well, could this be due to not having enough protein and a decrease in energy? 1:36:00 while using mt2 will i get a good even tan under sunlight or its better to tan on a bed? 1:36:30 ​what are your favorite fast absorbing meals to have pre and post workout ? 1:39:30 ​do you experience the same amount of lean muscle grown after each cycle ? do you always reach your goal, or come close ? 1:49:30 What’s your gfr and hematocrit ? Do you have to do therapeutic phlebotomy now and then? 2:03:15 How many warm up and acclimation sets do you do in preparation for your top sets?   CLICK HERE TO JOIN MY MEMBERSHIP AND GET ACCESS TO ALL TRT, HRT, CYCLE AND PCT VIDEOS!! https://www.youtube.com/chaseirons/join  http://www.amazon.com/shop/chaseirons' 

Tags: Weight loss , diet , bodybuilding , fat loss , hypertrophy , weight training , cutting , bulking , contest prep , Progressive Overload , push pull legs , Enhanced Athlete , chase irons , trainedbyjp , jordan peters coach

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