'Fish and fertiliser sacks abound in IndoChina. They are thrown away and add to the land and water pollution in these countries. Here disabled employees of Rehab Crafts are recycling the used sacks into useful bags for sale. The upcycling of these used fish food sacks is becoming popular and Rehab are able to increase their income through their production of recycled items. Rehab is a non profit organization run by disabled, from the CEO to the cleaners. Many are landmine amputees who, without the training and employment provided by Rehab would be destitute. Rehab Crafts products are available at http;//www.greendamselfly.com.au'
Tags: bags , handbags , eco friendly , cambodia , ethical , fair trade , Phnom Penh , disabled people , Recycled fish sack , developing country , landmine amputees , Rehab workshop , recycled sack workshop , green damselfly , toiletries bags
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