'I spent a long time watching all sorts of worm farm videos on youtube. I often felt overwhelmed by the various systems people were setting up. I try to approach things with an understanding of the system requirements and then to simplify it down as far as possible. Albert Einstein Everything Should Be Made as Simple as Possible, But Not Simpler... We do not restrict what we use in the greywater system but in general, we are conscious of potentially harmful things. I am sure there are microbes which will \'learn\' how to sort out anything that shouldn\'t be there. Our worm bins take all of our waste except dairy, meat, onions, and citrus. With time the worms process the waste into a usable soil amendment which we incorporate back into the vegetable gardens. It is a great way to re-introduce microbial life into damaged soil food webs. My primary objective is creating healthy and resilient soils by trying to improve the soil food webs network connections. To watch a great lecture about the soil food web and the importance of it, I found Elaine Ingham\'s lecture incredibly useful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2H60ritjag If you like this video please share by copying the link below: https://youtu.be/emKBsC-XhQI For more updates in the future subscribe to my channel and activate the notifications bell: https://www.youtube.com/c/MorganBrand Follow me on soicial media: Instagram - https://instagram.com/morgs_john/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Morgs_John Or come over to my blogdown website where I will be adding content and more as time goes on: https://morgsjohn.rbind.io The equipment I used to make this video: - DJI Mavic Pro - GoPro Hero 5 Session - MacBook Pro - Final Cut Pro x NO FANCY MICS so I just recorded my terrible voiceover in GarageBand Link to my other favorite project about a Ram Pump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvPUn... Here is a list of people who inspired me to make this: Peter McKinnon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Dk... Casey Neistat https://www.youtube.com/user/caseynei... Dan Mace https://www.youtube.com/user/DanTheDi... Richard Perkins at Ridgedale Farm https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC311... My music: Ship Wrek & Zookeepers - Ark [NCS Release] Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xlDwukxjnA Artist: https://soundcloud.com/nocopyrightsounds'
Tags: farm , recycling , Agriculture , Upcycling , worms , Soil , soil food web , soil health
See also: