'In this video we train Pull on MaX-Hype Elite and I show a full day of eating a Vegetarian Diet while still hitting my macros as a pro bodybuilder. 55 fat, 200 carbs and 180 protein. https://maxhypetraining.com/ http://www.cuttingedgephysiques.com/ www.pescience.com discount code elkins for 15% off Shop Gymshark: https://gym.sh/Shop-Chris-Elkins Online Coaching Inquiries: [email protected] Instagram: https://instagram.com/chris_elkins/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chris.s.elkins MyFitnessPal: Chriselkins23 Xboxlive: Chr1sElkins Intro and outro graphics by @KennyGonzalesDesign [email protected]'
Tags: fitness , Weight loss , protein , veggies , iifym , vegan , vegetarian , macros , full day of eating , plant based , gymshark , flexible dieting , natural bodybuilding , pescience , Chris Elkins , vegetarian bodybuilding , Vegetarian Full Day of Eating , Maxhype , Maxhypetraining
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