'http://www.maxsportsnutrition.com Just another day in the life of bodybuilder and owner of Max Sports Nutrition, Andrew Sarmast. Today he is 5 weeks out from his next competition, the 2012 Masters Nationals held July 20-22 in Pittsburgh, PA. The biggest changes to his diet are reducing the amount of carbs he intakes as the day goes on. His diet has him taking in fast acting carbs still in the morning in the form of Vitargo with his shakes and white rice. If you have any questions please ask them in the comment section. If you are on facebook please \'like\' our page for updates on bodybuilding, motivation, supplements and workout programs. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Max-Sports-Nutrition/132218494542 -Max Sports Nutrition View it on the site here http://maxsportsnutrition.com/?p=278'
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